Industrial sectors have been digitalizing themselves rapidly in recent decades. However, there are still many ways in which modern technologies can enable more efficient operations, and the end of the development is not even in sight. Therefore, it is not surprising that several Kemin Digipolis projects focus on digitalization from the perspectives of various industries. Digipolis’s Industry 4.0 projects focus on circular economy cities, mining, the marine industry, bioeconomy and logistics, among others.
Company representatives do not need to use fancy terms when they are thinking about developing their company. Instead, we are happy to help you reflect how the development of activities could achieve, for example, cost-savings or material efficiency that would benefit the company and its customers. Do not hesitate to contact us if you think we could be your discussion partner as you develop your company. We might also have tips on how to find funding instruments for the development through project work.
Hankkeen tavoitteena on tukea pk-yritysten digitaalista kypsyyttä, digitaalisten palveluiden tuottamista, sekä pk-yritysten ja teollisuuden muodostamia digitaalisia ekosysteemejä. Toisena tärkeänä tavoitteena on kehittää teollisuudenala- ja maakohtaista yhteistyötä alojen ja maiden rajat ylittäväksi. Hankkeessa tunnistetaan digitalisaatioon liittyvät kehittämissuunnitelmat, tarpeet ja mahdollisuudet teollisuuden ekosysteemeissä.
Raw materials are the basis of most industrial value chains. This is especially true for the industrial and metallic mining, construction, and related sectors. These industries are very important for our industrial, social, and technological progress in the European Union. A viable and responsible minerals and metals mining provides essential assets to our society’s sustainable development, and help us to promote innovation, growth, and a low-carbon, more circular economy. MINE.THE.GAP brings together SMEs from the raw materials and mining sector with companies that have solutions for a more digital, greener, and circular mining value chain.