Multipolis network of centres of expertise

The Multipolis network is an entity comprised of 19 northern centres of expertise involving different areas of advanced technology. Close co-operation between the regional ‘polis' centres of expertise enables the integration of competency results, thereby creating more competitive advanced technology solutions. Due to its large size and diversity, this network of centres of expertise is also particularly competitive on the global scale (

Multipolis centres of expertise

Astropolis, Sodankylä
Aurora Borealis, Rovaniemi
BW-polis, Nivala, Haapavesi
Digipolis, Kemi
Envitecpolis, Iisalmi
Humanpolis, Utajärvi
Measurepolis, Kajaani
Mediapolis, Tornio
Micropolis, Ii
Naturpolis, Kuusamo
Netpolis, Kokkola
Pohjantähti, Pudasjärvi
Qualitypolis, Haukipudas
RFM-polis, Oulun eteläinen
Snowpolis, Vuokatti
Softpolis, Raahe
Steelpolis, Raahe
Technopolis, Oulu
WellnessPolis, Oulainen

Kemi-Tornio Alueyrityspalvelut
Partnerbook Gateway to arctic innovations
CLT Kiintopuu
Arctic Business Design
Yritysten kehittämispalveluiden puitetoimittaja